About Me

I am..
an indie developer,
interested in tech, rollerskating and learning new languages.
working on personal projects, sometimes freelance.
(Feel free to contact for collaborations.)

I was..
born in 1993,
a high school dropout.
an ex-MS MVP on emerging experience.
an ex-Tencent employee.



(The forth character is a digit 9, not a G.)

8 Responses to About Me

  1. Renato Ribeiro says:


    I need your help. I ‘m at college, and I m doing a project with kinect.

    I need to know how do you get the depth data for every pixel. I just want the data of a limited area that I define.

    I post my problem here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/kinectsdknuiapi/thread/3f168159-e4e5-4dba-97e1-543e863d51de

    I hope you can help me.

    Thank You.

  2. thanapon says:

    Hi, TangoChen
    My name is Tom. I interested your topic the Kineed For Speed – Play Need For Speed (Or Other Racing Games) with Kinect.

    link : http://tangochen.com/blog/?p=564

    Can you share the code?

    Thank you Advance.

  3. Javi says:

    hi :
    I think you are doing a fantastic job with the Kinect Sensor and I would ask for the application to iphone.
    With Kinect v2 viewer can be used to scan 3D with iphone and you can save the file for later printing stl 3d printer ?
    Greetings .
    Thank you

    • TangoChen says:

      Hi, I haven’t tried about 3D scanning with Kinect. But I think it’s possible to use iPhone as a scanning start/stop button. And the scanning would be done with Kinect on PC, not iPhone.

  4. Sourabh says:

    You should try using Tobii eye tracking to come up with a cool gaze enabled interface. You might like it!

  5. billy says:

    hello friend,
    i am a greek student currently doing a resource using kinect and matlab..
    i’ ve seen mush of your work in the internet,
    wondering if you could send me the code you used with kinect and matlab to make the rock paper scissors game … it will help me with my project and to get some ideas since i am new to coding..
    thanks in advance,

  6. Wim Mussche says:

    We are testing your Kinect mouse control for our photobooth application.
    All goes well with one person who operates the mouse.
    As soon as there is a group of people in the detection area of the Kinect, the cursor behaves very unpredictable.
    Is there a way (even for a paid fee) to avoid this and make your app suitable for larger groups?
    With kind regards,

  7. Jhon says:

    I need you are help im acctualy at college and i have a project which is programming kinect to understand some hand langauge
    Im ready to pay if you’re interested

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