For More Details(on how to use it) of Kinecursor please click Here to see the original post.
This decides whether I will share the source code of Kinecurosr with you.. 🙂
I have sent Kinecursor to two guys and it’s weird that both of them said it didn’t work..
But it works perfectly on my PC(Maybe not that perfect.. Still need to be improved)..
Maybe just because they’re using Kinect for Windows and I’m using Kinect for Xbox 360..
So.. I do want to know more details..
You now can download the Demo of Kinect v1.0 (of course, for free..)
Please help me test it..
And simply leave a comment below to tell me:
1.Does it work on your PC?
2.Which Kinect sensor are you using, Kinect for Windows or Kinect for Xbox 360?
3.Which version of Kinect SDK are you using? 1.0, 1.5, 1.6 or what?
[download id=”14″]
It works. But the cursor is jitter and not smooth.
Yeah it’s not very smooth now..
Are you using Kinect for Xbox 360 and Kinect SDK v1.5 ?
The application runs for me and shows the depth data but nothing with the mouse works. It could be my fault but I tried all the different fist positions but nothing will turn my fist yellow and nothing will move the cursor. I’m running Kinect SDK 1.6 with a Kinect for Windows device.
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Works for me! Very jittery but the cursor moves. Using 1.5 SDK and Xbox Kinect
This do not work for sdk 1.6 but its fine for 1.5
It didn’t worked for me, Iam using Kinect for Windows and SDK V1.5,
Can You please share the code.
Wanna Check your code fro depth data.
can we get a link to download the source code ?
It works for me, not very smooth but it works.
I’m using kinect sdk 1.6 with an xbox kinect.
I ‘ve tried using it only with kinect runtime but it did not detect the kinect.
1. Yes, it works on my PC (with notes).
2. I’m using Kinect for Xbox.
3. SDK version: 1.6
The cursor move is good, but the “True” and “False” condition is giving a little headache 🙂 The hand must be centered in front of the Kinect and at certain distance, otherwise it’s not recognizing the close and open palm.
Using Kinect for Windows, Dirver version. all i got was the app to start no visual tracking, just the note about how to contact you. Also could not close the app (had to end process from task manager), hope this helps.
Thanks for your feedback, kman~
Why don’t you use at least 1.5 version?
The program was written with Kinect SDK 1.5.. So I think it won’t work for v1.0..
The cursor is very jittery and not smooth. Depth is working but control is very unpredictable.
Kinect for XBOX 360
SDK – Version 1.6
i will test the code with kinect 4 windows and kinect sdk 1.5
No, doesn’t work for me.
– Its a Win7 Ultimate x86
– I’m using “Kinect for Xbox 360″
– SDK = 1.6
Its doesn’t seem to recognise my Kinect Sensor. Telling me ” No Kinect found” or so…
Means it commes right from the Window Init part of your app.
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
bool bl;
foreach (KinectSensor kinectSensor in KinectSensor.get_KinectSensors())
bl = kinectSensor.get_Status() != 2;
if (!bl)
this.sensor = kinectSensor;
bl = this.sensor == null;
if (!bl)
this.depthPixels = new short[this.sensor.get_DepthStream().get_FramePixelDataLength()];
this.colorPixels = new byte[this.sensor.get_DepthStream().get_FramePixelDataLength() * 4];
this.colorBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(this.sensor.get_DepthStream().get_FrameWidth(), this.sensor.get_DepthStream().get_FrameHeight(), 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);
this.imgDepth.Source = this.colorBitmap;
this.sensor.add_DepthFrameReady(new EventHandler(this.SensorDepthFrameReady));
this.sensor = null;
catch (InvalidOperationException invalidOperationException)
InvalidOperationException invalidOperationException;
this.sensor.add_SkeletonFrameReady(new EventHandler(this.SensorSkeletonFrameReady));
bl = this.sensor != null;
if (!bl)
MessageBox.Show(“No Kinect Founded.. :(“);
Fine for me, only the tracking is not smooth and the select click and other stuff is weird.
please i wanna download
i need