Category Archives: Tech

tech/programming stuff..

Mixed Reality Home Experiences With Virtual Spheres And Cubes(Meta Quest Passthrough)

Imagining throwing virtual spheres and cubes that can interact with keyboard, iPhone, HomePod, Macbook and remote control in real life. Support on Patreon for: – Behind-the-scenes videos of how this project is done. And more Patron-only contents. – Your … Continue reading

Posted in Mixed Reality, Tech, Virtual Reality | Leave a comment

MIDI Reality – Mixed Reality with Kinect and MIDI Keyboard

Tech & music are my favorites. I’d love to do them together. So I had this idea to try covering a song with a MIDI keyboard, and a Kinect v2 sensor for mixed-reality floating caption effects. That was when the … Continue reading

Posted in Augmented Reality, Kinect, Mixed Reality, Tech | 2 Comments

Flying Skull VR

This is my first work on non-cardboard VR device. I won an Oculus DK2 for an online hackathon several months ago. But hadn’t tried building something with it, till I asked myself, “what kind of interesting thing can I do … Continue reading

Posted in Kinect, Leap Motion, Tech, Virtual Reality | 9 Comments

Minecraft in Real Life using Kinect v2

Hey guys, I just developed this Kinect v2 application a few days ago. It lets you be the Steve and interact with Minecraft stuff. And, you can get it for free! For more information, please check out this Production Page.

Posted in Kinect, Tech | 2 Comments


下面我列举一些供体感互动开发者学习的资源网站: yangecnu的博客 Kinect 1代,很详细,即便要学Kinect v2,也可以从1代的教程受益不少。 Kinect 2 Hands On Labs (英文) Kinect二代的上手开发教程。 Vangos Pterneas的博客 (英文) 很感激Vangos Pterneas!以前买Xbox 360 + Kinect一代,就是想尝试能不能自己开发,不能就当游戏机玩了。 结果网上搜到寥寥无几的开发资料,其中就是他的文章,是他公布的示例代码把我带入体感开发这个领域。 小明编程 不止Kinect的学习资源/新闻,也包括Leap Motion,Myo等相关体感信息。 YuYuYouEr工作室 Kinect v1/v2的Unity插件哪家强?绝对YuYuYouEr! YuYuYouEr Kinect SDK Wrapper v2.0插件可切换Kinect 1/2代使用,无需更换代码,免费! 通过其插件写的Unity程序,打开时右下角有一弹窗,很快就消失。 暂时就列举这几个..如果大家有什么好的建议也可以评论,再添加上去。

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New Product: Apple Watch Game [Watch And Shoot]

Hey guys, I’ve developed an iPhone game that you can (only) play with your Apple Watch. It’s called Watch And Shoot. Here’s the video: It would be my new product so it’s added to the product menu. For details, check … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Watch, Tech, Virtual Reality | Leave a comment

Virtual Violin with iPhone and Apple Watch

My first work on Apple Watch:-D, done with the WatchKit for WatchOS 2.

Posted in Apple Watch, Tech | Leave a comment

Kinect v2 Mouse Control w/ Source Code

A mouse control application for Kinect v2, including a couple of options for various uses. I’m so glad that I’ve just become a Microsoft Kinect MVP since this July, so I think I need to do something more. One request … Continue reading

Posted in Kinect, Tech | 49 Comments

Motion Server – One Kinect v2 on Multiple Devices

One day I felt that using one Kinect on one PC isn’t enough. There could be more interesting things to do with multiple screens. So I consider sharing the Kinect data with multiple devices. You may know that I created … Continue reading

Posted in Kinect, Tech | 3 Comments

高通Vuforia + Unity iOS AR常见问题解决

最近Vuforia + Unity iOS总能折腾出各种问题.容易令人捉急. 下面是我遇到的很新的3个常见问题: 1. 问题: Unity (4.5.4, 4.5.5, 4.6) + Vuforia 3.0.9 iOS下闪退. 解决: Unity生成Xcode文件后打开,设置Info.plist文件. 点击Informaition Property List,右方出现加号,点加号. Key输入 UIInterfaceOrientation 或 Initial interface orientation. (都一样的) Value输入 UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait 或 Portrait (bottom home button) 如图 2. 问题: Unity 5 + … Continue reading

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