Thoughts of Designing Leap Motion App Gestures

I want to share my [Thoughts of Designing Leap Motion App Gestures] with you.. 🙂

  • Stable
    Let the user act stably..
    Let the device detect it stably..
    Make the interaction stable..

  • Intuitive
    Easier to remember as well…

  • Don’t be too dumb.. Or make it funny
    Leap Motion is a cool thing…

  • Won’t let the user get too tired easily
    Sometimes, How long the user wanted to use the app for – How long the user used the app for ≈ How Tiring it is
    Tiring may make it less interesting.. but not always a problem.. It depends on the what users mainly use the app for…
    I may use an app for a little while, but I’ll use it frequently… It should be funny/addictive/cool enough.. Maybe for fun..
    I may use an app for a longer while for work.. Shouldn’t be too tiring…

    Commands can be done with one hand should better be done with one hand, especially the frequent ones..

  • Detecting Quickly
    It’s annoying if the user has to wait a little bit after a whole gesture is done every time then see the result..
    The movement patterns(Circle, Swipe, Key Tap, Screen Tap) recognized by Leap itself delay a little bit..
    We can make the movement patterns(not only official ones, like sign languages recognition) feel like real-time interacting by showing the movements in real-time like painting app..

  • Easy to Learn
    It’s confusing if the user has to practice a gesture many times.. (Maybe it’s not stable…)

  • Be clear with other gestures
    Not very good if you design these 3 gestures:
    1. Extending one finger only
    2. Extending two fingers
    3. Extending three fingers

    It may be tough(unstable) cause:

    • Sometimes Leap device detects one more/less finger than it is by mistake..
    • Switching from one-finger gesture to three-finger gesture may cause two-finger gesture
  • Gestures can be something more
    Don’t limit it with only finger controlling…

Bad Experiences:
Stable / Intuitive / Detected Quickly / Easy to Learn / Clear with other gestures:

  • “Did I do the gesture correctly?..” *waiting for the result*
  • Sometimes it works, sometimes not…
  • “Sometimes I was going to … but it’s detected as …”
Posted in Leap Motion, Tech | Tagged | 1 Comment

Leap Mousion v2.0

Check this: Tone Mouse


  • New better intuitive gesture:
  • The mouse cursor moves more stably while switching gestures…
  • Several optional parameters:
    s[num] Move Scale..

    Set Scale to 0.4:
    D:\LeapMousion.exe s0.4

    c Click-Only…

    Turn on Click-Only Mode:
    D:\LeapMousion.exe c

    r Reversed….

    Reverse Orientation:
    D:\LeapMousion.exe r

    l Left Handed Mode…..

    Turn on Left Handed Mode:
    D:\LeapMousion.exe l

Source Code on Github:
[download id=”20″]

Posted in Leap Motion, Tech | Tagged | 11 Comments

Source Code of Kinect Smile Tracking Is Released

Source Code of Kinect Smile Tracking Will Be Released Soon For Everyone
Here’s it..

Video of original version:

Now it’s been improved with some new features.

How it works:

  1. Using face tracking functionality to detect 4 face points: both sides of your mouth and both sides of your nose.
  2. Calculating the length of both sides of your mouth as mouthWidth. The mouthWidth may be wider if you’re smiling.
    So the program tells you’re smiling when the mouthWidth larger than a value.
    The particulate value is called Threshold.
  3. Even if you have no changing on your mouth, the mouthWidth would changes when you’re moving forwards/backwards to the Kinect sensor.
    (It would be larger if you’re closer to the Kinect.)
    So we need to change the Threshold.
    The Threshold is calculated based on the length of both sides of your nose called noseWidth.
    The noseWidth won’t be greatly affected by the changing of your face but the distance between your face and Kinect sensor.
    So it would be great to calculate how large the Threshold should be.
    And we have nothing to deal with Skeleton Tracking like getting the position of your head joint in order to get the distance.
  4. The Threshold is not set good enough so it may not work for everyone everytime.
    At least it works for me. I’m not sure if you have a perfect smile like me though.
    So I added a Modify feature. It’s a slider on the bottom-right of the application which can modify the Threshold. (to make it larger or smaller.)
    This should/can be improved to be more automatic.

You may be confused of the How-it-works part above before trying the demo without seeing the screen-shot.
Can anyone take a screen-shot of you using the demo and send it to me. I would take a good one and put it here.
You know I just want people to focus on the idea, the code but not my attractive smile. 🙂 (just kidding..)

Source Code:
[download id=”19″]

Posted in Kinect, Tech | Tagged | 10 Comments

Source Code of Kinect Smile Tracking Will Be Released Soon For Everyone

I’ve received some requests of getting source code of Kinect Smile Tracking..
But I’m sorry that I’m busy working on some other Kinect projects..
And the Kinect Smile Tracking doesn’t seem to work fine now..
So.. I’ll release it soon after improving it…

You’re not required to subscribe to my YouTube channel for getting it but I still want hope u will do..

Posted in Kinect | Tagged | 3 Comments

Kinecursor v1.2

This new version of Kinecursor have been done for a long time.
But I decided to make a video yesterday.

Here’s it.
Kinecursor v1.2

For those who don’t know what Kinecursor is.
I have some simple words to introduce it:
Kinecursor = Kinect + Cursor.
You can control your mouse cursor(move it or perform clicks) with only one hand(either left or right hand).


About source Code
Version 1.2 is not open source for now.
You can buy the source code. (Mail me first. my e-mail: tan9ochen* [replace “*” with “@”])
If you like my work and want to support me(Yes.. I do need your support)..
You can make a donation via Paypal:

Free Demo
Available soon..

Posted in Kinect, Tech | Tagged | 1 Comment

Leap Mousion – Control Mouse with Leap Motion

I received my LEAP development kit today and.. here’s my first project..
Leap Mousion = Leap Motion + Mouse

This may be the simplest idea of using Leap Motion..
It’s like a hello world program for all LEAP developers..
But not as easy as I thought before using the kit..
The app may be available for download soon..

Posted in Leap Motion, Tech | Tagged | 7 Comments

Kinect RPS – Play Rock-Paper-Scissors With Computer

Ever thought about playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with your PC ?
Now you can do this by using Kinect RPS.
RPS stands for Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Kinect RPS can recognize your hand gesture and immediately show you its hand-sign that beats yours (unless it recognizes wrongly..Sometimes it does).




  • Separate your fingers when showing paper-gesture.
  • Please use your right hand only. Somehow the left-hand recognition sucks so I cancelled it.
  • And…
    Kinect RPS Gesture Wrong Right

  • Download:
    [download id=”17″]
    [download id=”22″]

    Posted in Kinect, Tech | Tagged | 2 Comments

    Kinecursor v1.1.1 with Source Code

    Kinecursor = Kinect + Cursor..

    I’ve seen several Kinect projects about controlling the cursor.(I’ve found 4 posts[3 projects] of this on Channel9 Codin4Fun..)
    And the same part of them is: using one hand to control the cursor and the other hand to perform mouse clicks.
    I decided to make a better one. So I created Kinecursor, stands for Kinect + Cursor, which allows you to perform mouse left down/up(down+up=a click) by simply making a fist(It’s not exactly called a fist.. It’s like… a thumbs up..)

    Source Code:

    The hand gestures you should make:

    Stand in front of Kinect sensor.
    It’s working if your body turns red.
    If half of your hand turns yellow. The Fist: False. Mouse Up.

    If you extend your thumb leftward or rightward.. The Fist: True. Mouse Down.

    v1.1.1 Demo: [download id=”18″]
    Track only one person.

    v1.1 Demo: [download id=”16″]
    Add Kinect for Windows support.

    v1.0 Demo:[download id=”14″]
    Only work with Kinect for Windows 360.

    Posted in Kinect, Tech | Tagged | 6 Comments

    Got a Kinect for Windows

    (The previous title “Chinese Guy Gets Got a Kinect for Windows” was a Peter Chao-style title.)

    I just bought a Kinect for Windows a couple days ago…
    I’ll keep on developing things about Kinect 🙂
    I’ve got a lot of ideas.. It’s only a matter of time…
    I’m considering resigning from my job to do all things I want to do..
    (I’m working as a front-end developer..)

    Posted in Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

    Kineed For Speed – Play Need For Speed (Or Other Racing Games) with Kinect

    Kineed For Speed = Kinect + Need For Speed
    It can be used to play PC version of Need For Speed (or other racing games) with Kinect..Just like playing Kinect Joy Ride on Xbox..

    Kineed For Speed


    How to use
    Simply Run the KineedForSpeed.exe and a racing game at the same time.. You can play the game with Kinect..

    How to gain control:
    1. hold hands in gesture like holding a virtual wheel to gain the control.
    2. lower hands to release the control.

    How to drive:
    1. Turn left/right by turning the virtual wheel left/right.
    2. Speed up by putting the virtual wheel forward.
    3. Slow down by retrieving back the virtual wheel.

    Configurable key mappings:
    1. Left hand up to trigger Esc key event, which will pause the game.
    2. Right hand up to trigger Enter key event, which will reset the car.

    You can also set other keys to make it work with other racing games..

    [download id=”15″]

    Thanks to @lhongzhong for the English translation of How-to-use…

    Posted in Kinect, Tech | Tagged | 4 Comments